Priests, Scribes, Pharisees, Shepherds, and Pastors of the Old and of the New.
I am a retired pastor of
the Church of God (Tennessee). My name is Isaac Livingston. I am from Neyyoor India. |
Email: Pastor True Gospel
Who are priests? They conduct ceremonies in temples of the old testament. Catholics have priests and Protestants call them as pastors. To conduct ceremonies of worship, is the main part of their Job. In the old, ceremonies are sacrifices, rituals, and such things; now they are worship services, sermons, and such things; it is to bring God and men together. We may say that it is to reconcile sinners with God, by rectifying their sins. So, priests should reconcile man with God. You may study how to reconcile in this link: "Reconcile." We are souls in flesh, and God is Soul in Spirit. We must receive spirit from God, which is born of the spirit. Then, if we mortify the deeds of the body by the spirit, we will be living in the spirit instead of living for the body. That is, we will become like God, become the sons of God, which will be the ultimate true reconciliation.
The high priests were above the priests. The purpose of the whole network of priesthood, sacrifices, rituals, ceremonies, and such things are to have a group of people reconciled with God, who are holy without sinning. This did not happen, because the system was corrupt, and it failed God. So, God wanted to destroy this entire system and to make it all new. In this new system, Jesus replaced all sacrifices by sacrificing himself, and he replaced the entire priesthood by becoming the high priest after the order of Melchisedec. So, Jesus is the only sacrifice, and Christ is the only High Priest, and the entire priesthood is made obsolete and void. Jesus nailed all the old rituals, ceremonies, sabbaths, and such things on his cross, and so, all of them are also void. However, Jesus Christ has established the new ceremony of water baptism, the rituals of communion and breaking of the bread, and the principle of foot washing. Now, Jesus Christ is the only High Priest and he has no priest in his church. But our churches have ceremonial worships that is not scriptural. Please find references on the link: "High Priest."
Scribes were the authorities on Scriptures and Pharisees were authorities on observing the laws of God. But both groups were notably known as hypocrites, and Jesus accused them as such. In the new testaments, preachers, evangelists, and teachers has taken the place of scribes. Instead of teaching the pure word of God, these people teach their own denominations and their doctrines, in the pretense of bible study. Most of them are false preachers and false teachers. Instead of preaching Jesus Christ, and his commandments, they advertise themselves and preach enticing sermons, so that they could become famous and make money. It is almost impossible to hear the pure word of God preached anymore. It is all about celebrity preachers, and their books, for them to make money. It is also propaganda of their doctrines. But the word of God is not preached.
Jesus Christ says that no man can serve two masters, and so, there are two masters. One is God and the other is the things of the world. But in the spirit world, the second master is Satan. However, the things of the world are tangible to us, and God says that Satan is disguised in it. We connect Satan with murder and crime, but not to the things of the world. It is the silent killer. So, obey God even if you lose things. In case you have lost them, you have gained eternal life. So, God be our master.
Who are teachers? In old eastern culture, teachers are gurus (masters) and students are disciples, and disciples will learn from teachers. In our culture, both are equal, and learning is by sharing information. So, there is no absolute right and wrong. A teacher is right if the students accept it. If they do not accept it, the teacher is considered wrong. By this rule, the word of God could be found wrong almost all the time. So, there is no more 'teacher', but they are group leaders. But bible teachers must teach the word of God as spirit and in truth. If they cannot do it, they must not do it. James 3:1 says, "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." Here, in the context, master refers to teacher. If you cannot teach the truth, do not teach bible. If you teach the word of God in error, for whatever reason, God will curse you with greater condemnation. It is not a joke.
Preachers are expositors of the bible in many ways; most of them are pastors and evangelists. If they teach the truth of Christ, and of righteousness, then they are blessed servants of God. Instead, if they preach to please people, for bigger crowd, fame, and money, they will be cursed of God. But they will enjoy the world very much, and they will also suffer that much in hell. "Jeremiah 48:10 says, Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully." Do not do deceptive work ever for God.
God is the good shepherd for his people. David himself was a shepherd, and he considered God as his shepherd. The kings and the prophets were also considered as shepherds for the people of God. But most of them were bad shepherds. In Ezekiel 34:8, "saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; 9 Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD; 10 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them." This was the same situation of the people of God, when Jesus came as a man. Jesus gathered them, taught them, nourished them, and protected them from the dangers of Satan, and has kept them. Jesus Christ is a good shepherd. But our pastors mostly fit the description of Ezekiel. They conduct ceremonies of worship services, give sermons of the topic of the day, receive offerings, and think that their job is done. A pastor must be a good shepherd like Jesus Christ was. Such a person is hard to find. Who will take care of the flock as Jesus Christ will. "1 Peter 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. 4 And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." Will you become such a good shepherd, that is a pastor? Then our chief shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, will give you the crown of glory that will not fade away. If you cannot be a pastor, be a good sheep for God.
The word bishop is one of the word in English just thrown in to the bible to give any meaning we want to give, like the word baptism. I do not know the reason why the original translators chose such words. My language has similar grammar structure as Greek language. In my language bible, the word is translated as supervisor (overseer). They would supervise, or oversee the believers, or we may say, they are like shepherds to the sheep, in the bible context. An apostle may also be considered as a shepherd, and the position is referred as bishopric in Acts 1:20. Our church pastors may not be shepherds, because their job is administration as well as to conduct the ceremonies as priests would do, like conducting worship services, etc. They cannot supervise people, since they serve them. The position of a shepherd overseer is not available in present day church set up. So, they call the supervisor of pastors as bishop. In a way it may fit since they supervise. In the bible, they supervise or oversee the believers to lead them in godly life. Another position that goes along with a bishop is a deacon. A deacon is a helper to the supervisor (overseer), as well as he will be of help to the sheep also. A deacon is the mediator between the shepherd and the sheep (believers), who are followers. In our present churches, they are not sheep, but they are members.
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Matthew 28:20, & Mark 16:15. Jesus Christ preached his commandments to obey, as his
Gospel; it is the true Gospel to inherit Eternal life. Genesis 3:1-4 & 2 Corinth 11:2-4. But Preachers, who are Serpents of Satan, preach the life of man Jesus just to believe, but not to live as a chaste virgin, as the gospel; it is another gospel, which cannot and will not give Eternal life.The true gospel will convert evil people to do good and thereby they will inherit the kingdom in heaven.
John 3:19-21 say that people are two kinds, evil and true. Evil doers will not come to the Light, who is God; but people of truth come to God for their deeds to be made manifest. We have good and evil people by our standard of our society or culture. These evil people may be converted to be doers of truth by the power of God, and they may inherit the kingdom of God in heaven.
Email: Pastor True Gospel